Photo Gallery
El Corazón
1973 Trivia
The Missing List
The Committee
ECR Class of 73

Welcome fellow Centurians! To the official website for El Camino Real's graduating class of 1973.

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to this website. It has been running for 23 years now, can you believe it !? and while you reminisce through it, I would like to mention the people who were responsible for its creation. A very big THANK YOU to All the committee members over the years for providing all the interesting information we have to share. Be sure to check out the committee page, we will add the 50th commitee if we can get them together for a Group Picture in two weeks! Also, many thanks to my very talented daughter Lauren who designed and built the site when starting up her web design company. A special thanks also to Shelli & Yael
at The Reunion Committee Inc. for their amazing response times and great service in preparing for our 50th.
Thank you one and all !

Over the past five decades, many people have asked the committee, "are there anymore ECR 73 yearbooks left?" We now have the High Resolution Class Picture, our graduation info on the school Marquee, a High Resolution Virgin El Corazon Class Book and the full DVD & CD Collection of home movies and other goodies from the previous reunions available online if you know who to ask. ☺ Access is currently limited to class of '73 50th reunion attendees at this time.

In addition, we have reproduced parts of the 1983 and 1993 Memory Books. Those who attended the last 2 reunions can tell you that those books were very special! We have them here for you to enjoy as well. I'm hoping someone gives me some better scans than what we have to date.

Wondering what your classmates were doing back in those days? Check out our SlideShow of submitted pictures! If you still have any oldies you' would like to add to our collection, please let me know. Terry Kendricks car is the Hot one man! Those were the days!

We have approximately 30% / 5%) of our class reported as (Missing / Deceased) in 2023. A larger percentage is still missing. I'm told we just haven't found them, They don't call us or return our calls anymore. It is pretty hard to track former students down unless somebody knows somebody who is hard to find.

Most importantly, be happy in your future endeavors and we hope with all sincerity that you find the key to everlasting life...

Cheers to great memories and Lasting Friendships!

The ECR 73 Reunion Committee

Copyright © 2006, All Rights Reserved.